I was living in the countryside and was hanging the washing out. (You can appreciate that with six active kids that was a regular pastime!) A grey butcherbird, an amazing mimic, was serenading me with his repertoire of numerous bird calls and even the ring of an old telephone. Laughing, I teased him aloud that he couldn’t do a whipbird’s call (primarily because there weren’t any in the local area). To my utter amazement, suddenly I heard the swish and crack of the whip coming from the little bird. I just managed to blurt out how incredible God was.
If God had the time, patience and inclination to be present for an ordinary Australian housewife going about mundane chores, how much more does He have the time, patience and inclination to listen to you when you approach Him with your cares and worries, no matter how insignificant they may seem!
Don’t worry over anything whatever; tell God every detail of your needs in earnest and thankful prayer, and the peace of God which transcends human understanding, will keep constant guard over your hearts and minds as they rest in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7 JBP)
Did you read that? God wants to hear from you with WHATEVER concerns you! God wants you to share everything that distresses you with Him. Everything!
And did you miss that word “thankful?” He wants you to be grateful and thankful for His response to your worries, even before He has responded. This is faith. (Refer to my book, The Power You Have Available, if you want to read more about faith and how it is presented in the Bible.)
In short, faith involves believing that something has already happened before it actually has. In this instance, when we bring our concerns to the Father, we are to believe God has answered our requests and we are to praise and thank Him. It is in this atmosphere of faith that God can work the miraculous.