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#69 Women of the Bible: Shulamite and proclaiming Jesus

Writer's picture: Kristina TrottKristina Trott

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

O you who sit in the gardens, My companions are listening for your voice— Let me hear it” (Song of Sol. 8:13 AMP).

In this verse, we have the last words spoken to the Bride. The Bride is spoken about as someone who is in the garden and being told that the friends who share a common purpose with her (Strongs 2270) are wanting to hear her speak words that the Bridegroom would also like her to speak.

The meaning of this verse has been echoed in the New Testament. Jesus had been buried in a tomb in a garden (John 19:41) just outside the walls of the old city of Jerusalem (John 19: 20). Some women came to the tomb where Jesus had been lain and they met an angel. I’ll let Matthew tell the story from here:

“5 The angel said to the women, “Don't be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus, who was nailed to a cross. 6 He isn't here! God has raised him to life, just as Jesus said he would. Come, see the place where his body was lying. 7 Now hurry! Tell his disciples he has been raised to life and is on his way to Galilee. Go there, and you will see him. This is what I came to tell you.”

8 The women were frightened and yet very happy, as they hurried from the tomb and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them and greeted them. They went near him, held on to his feet, and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said, “Don't be afraid! Tell my followers to go to Galilee. They will see me there” (Matt. 28:5-10 CEV).

The women had come to Jesus’ tomb and were bewildered that it was empty. The angel explained that Jesus had risen from the dead and told the women that the disciples were waiting to hear them tell them this good news. As they hurried off they met Jesus who urged them to tell His disciples to go to Galilee and that they would see Him there.

Later when they saw Jesus, Jesus commissioned the disciples to now go and tell the world that He was alive:

19 Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 20 and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world” (Matt. 28:19-20 CEV).

So the message to the bride in the Song of Songs is the same message that the angel told the women: tell the disciples. In the last words to His Bride, Jesus added for them to tell the world. It took the New Testament to know exactly what the Bride was to tell.

Jesus rose from the dead to reassure you that He took away all the sins of all those who believe in Him. This is the “gospel” – the good news, the story of Jesus Christ's birth, death, and resurrection. It is good news, indeed, and is worth telling the world!

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