God knows everything about you and loves you. That doesn’t mean that your thoughts are like His thoughts, though. He loves you despite your messy thoughts and wants you to learn to think like He does. When our walk corresponds with God’s ways, then our thoughts will naturally begin to fall into His way of thinking.
As humans, we tend to be anxious about things, but have you ever realised that worry is a start to not being on course with God? In the parable of the sower, it was the seed that fell amongst the thorns that was likened to someone who heard God’s truth but let ‘cares’ and chasing the indulgences that money can buy overrun their minds (Luke 8:14).
That word “cares” is interesting. It gets translated as ‘worries’ but it literally means “dividing and fracturing a person's being into parts”( Strong's Concordance (3308)). In other words, if you let worrying thoughts distract you, all the blessings that come with focussing on God’s ways will be lost. You will be unstable, like a wave tossed about like the wind (James 1:6-7). And worse, you will be useless to God.
But how do you get rid of worries that just keep on surfacing?
Firstly, you believe that God has good plans for you. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you” (Jer. 29:11-12 NIV).
Secondly, you let God teach you (Psa. 119:68, John 6:45). You read His Word. You meditate on it (Psa. 119:15-16). You learn from Jesus, what He said and what He did (Matt. 11:29).
Thirdly, you focus on Jesus. In the words of that wonderful old hymn:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in His wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace.”
(From https://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn/h/645)