He is there in the valley
He is the Lily of the Valley.
He grows in that place
Neither distant nor dismissive but present to feel
Each flower cup hangs down
Stems of tears, shed, like drops
Recognising the place is hard
Their faces don’t shine up into the sun
The light shines dimly and soft in the valley
The shadow comes from His Overshadowing Love
In their fragility and vulnerability the flowers grow low to the ground
He finds us in the vale
And there He brings us bouquets of Himself
Tears on stems of Love
Our tears find expression in Him
They wet the ground of His heart
He receives them as He does us
He knows the pain of this earth
It took the tears of His blood to rend the veil
For us His heart broke
He knows
In the knowing He recognises our fragile frame
Our hearts fail but He comes to us to be our Strength
The Lily of the Valley is His name
His name is Love
RFF 2015 Used by kind permission
Jesus wept. John 11.35
My tears are liquid words, and you can read them all. Psalm 38. 9b TPT