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  • Writer's pictureKristina Trott

Your problems are a blessing!

Your problems are a gift to teach you about faith. We all have our very own problems and they are there for us to exercise our faith over and to see our faith rewarded.

Abraham is the father of faith for he believed, contrary to all expectation and hope, that God would give him an heir. Both Abraham and Sarah were ancient but that didn’t stop him believing they would have a son. He not only believed but gave glory to God for it to happen – before he saw it happen (Rom. 4:17-18, 20)

This is what David was writing about in Psa. 43:1,5 . He told himself not to be disheartened but to trust and hope in God and as a result he then went to God singing and praising Him on his harp for delivering him from the “deceitful and unjust man”. David hadn’t been delivered but he fully expected to be so he was singing and rejoicing for something that he could clearly see happening!

It’s the same with us. We face problems and we know, from what Paul went on to tell us, that these problems produce perseverance and that perseverance results in developing character and that character produces, HOPE! (Rom 5:3). We have problems so we can learn to believe in God to deliver! We have problems so we can learn faith.

What this means is that stuff will happen to us. Life isn’t a rose garden. Things won’t go as we expected. Without God we would crash and burn but we have a God we can appeal to. Our God is bigger than any of our problems and He just wants us to turn to Him and lay all our problems on Him and believe He will answer them — and He will.

Your problems are a BLESSING because they cause you to believe God for their answer!

So strong is our belief in a faithful God that we will praise and thank Him for that answer and give glory to Him (even though our expected answer looks impossible). We know that NOTHING is impossible with God!

This is what I did when I was told my cancer was incurable and that I had 6 months to live. I took it all to God, handed the problem to Him and then thanked Him continually for healing me — and He did!

You can do this, too. I’m not anything special. My faith is no more than the faith you can raise.

Once you grasp what hope and trust is all about, you’ll share the sentiments of David:

I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.

(Psa. 40:1-3 NIV)

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