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  • Writer's pictureKristina Trott

In the stillness, you can hear God

When Jesus and His disciples had attempted to cross Galilee in a boat, a windstorm had erupted and the waves were repeatedly throwing themselves over and against the boat. While Jesus slept in the back of the sharply pitching boat, the disciples battled their fears. Jesus was stirred. He promptly hushed the wind and quieted the waves which led to a great calm and tranquillity (Mark 4:39).

It was in this stillness that the disciples pondered in fear, ‘Who is this person that the wind and the sea obey Him?’ We could similarly ask, ‘Who is this man who has stilled the restless spirit within man?’ ‘Who is this man who has quelled man’s disquieted soul and brought him into peace with God?’

It is in the stillness we ponder just who Jesus really is. We consider how He has blessed us. It is in the quietness of the night that we rise to bless our households (Prov. 31:15) and the poor (v 20). It is in the stillness that we learn wisdom and kindness (v 26) and deeply reverence our Lord (v30). It is when our souls are still that we can see who we were created to be: who we really are.

Whilst resting in our stillness we learn that Jesus surrounds us with great calm and tranquillity. Just as Jesus brought blessings of restoration, redemption, forgiveness and healing to others in His time on the earth, so we can, through Jesus, spread a balm of kindness and peace to others. Blessings of calmness and tranquillity to all mankind will continue, because of Jesus, for all eternity.

“May the fame of his name spring forth! May it shine on, like the sunshine! In him all will be blessed to bless others, and may all the people bless the One who blessed them. Praise Yahweh forever, the God of Israel! He is the one and only God of wonders, surpassing every expectation. The blazing glory of his name will be praised forever! May all the earth overflow with his glory! Faithful is our King! Amen! (paraphrase of Psa. 72:17-19 TPT)

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